
ResumeTube.com: Why Video is the Next Generation of the Paper Resume

Posted on February 6, 2009. Filed under: Article, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , |

For those who have not been paying attention lately, there has been a big revolution going on in the technology world. As people become more computer savvy, and technology continues to evolve, it is changing things in a big way, especially when it comes to finding a job and presenting a professional resume. Online videos are extremely popular. Whether people are watching Web videos for the music, to see the grandkids at the beach, or to conduct online video conferences, one thing is for sure: it is fun and interesting to watch videos online.

            In fact, ComScore, an online research company, reported that, during the month of February 2008 alone, over 10 billion online videos were watched. That figure represents a 66 percent increase over the number of online videos that were watched during February 2007. The interest in watching videos online is growing at a rapid rate. It is because of this that the online video resume is slated to become the next generation of the paper resume.

            While the paper resume has traditionally been the favored means of obtaining a new job, times are changing. Today, employers can enjoy the benefits of watching the videos online, such as those offered at ResumeTube.com. It saves time and money in the candidate screening process, as well as being ideal for giving employers a chance to view a candidate’s communication skills and mannerisms, to see whether they would like to go on to the next step of arranging an interview. Video resumes help an employer to get the first impression out of the way without investing a lot of time and money setting up a face-to-face meeting.

            Likewise, prospective employees are finding that using video resumes at places like ResumeTube.com to advertise their availability and skills is ideal. The process also saves them the time and money that would be put into mailing out stacks of resumes. It even gives them a chance to let their personality shine, so that the employer can experience them before the added pressure of arranging an interview.

            There are many benefits for both employer and job candidate when it comes to using video resumes, which makes it appealing for both parties to take part in the process. Plus, with the love people have for online videos, it’s easy to see it becoming standard practice in the business world. Things change with time, especially when it comes to technology. Video resumes are just the next logical step when it comes to applying for a position or looking to hire someone.

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